Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Mugsy's top 5.

Mugsy loves certain things... Guess we are all like that, right?!? 
Here are his top 5....
 1. His person.
  (Right now that would be me, foster mom).
 Mugs is a loyal dog that loves "his person". We continue to help him be balanced so he does not get too attached to just one of us but is social to all. He is a good dog and learning to trust. 
2. Toys. 
He loves his special buddies. Carries them around. Reminds me of a baby w a blankie!
3. Treats. 
This guy isn't too fussy. Not into veggie treats. Does like peanut butter and yogurt. 
4. Napping. 
Oh the joy! He even snores a little but not loud! Cute!
5. Tummy rubs. 
He flips on his back to get belly rubs as much as possible. He has such soft fur it's pretty much irresistible to not give in to this guys wishes. :)

Above Mugs has a new toy... Yay! Below pic he is ready for a tummy rub! 

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