Thursday, February 19, 2015

Good News... for Precious!

Keda is unique... me she is a mix of ET (nose and eyes) + Smeagol (skinny legs)+ a Cupie Doll (fur tuft head) = Keda. 
We think she is "Precious"... Lord of the Ring fans ;)!

So now the good news :)-- we have her meds stabilized for her little head issues!
 We did another vet visit and we are happy with her results! 
Basically, little Miss Precious was clunked on the head as a puppy and had a slow to close fontanel so the clunk gave her some "head owies" that have caused her a few minor developmental setbacks. She may still do prancy paws at times when she walks on leash but it's ok-- people will just tell you how adorable this looks! 
She is now doing well on what I call her "happy pills" and ready for her new home! :)

So if you are a fan of E.T., Smeagol, Cupie Dolls or just a "fan of Keda"... she's ready for You!
P. S. Come meet her this weekend...she may even give kisses to her fans! Just "follow the directions" to meet her on the Fluffy site! 

"You can't get me.. Naah-Naaaah... and mom calls me Precious... cuz I am!!!!"

Posing for a very pretty picture!!! Those little ears are so sweeeeet!

Precious Keda on her pillow perch pretending to watch American Idol with me-- I see your closed eyes! 

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