Sunday, April 17, 2016


Green paint. 
White puppy. 
This could be interesting!
Try painting with a puppy under the slats of a bench!!! Yikes!!!  No drips allowed!!!

My brag for today: both puppies are getting better at potty training. They are waiting longer to go potty outside instead of using the papers in the kitchen. (Hardly used the inside paper today at all!) That's amazing progress!
They also are using crates for down time. It's great that they don't mind at all!! They are very content to be in their safe place. I only leave them in for afternoon nappy time or bedtime but they are just doing so well! I'm very very pleased and proud of their accomplishments:)!!!

On work days when I'm gone a bit longer I set up a big crate with door open and the pen for safety with papers again. This way they can use the papers as needed. My son is usually around too but just to be comfortable this is what I do. On weekends when I'm home (Fri-Sun) this all comes down and they mostly use the outside for potty and their crates. As they get older they can wait longer and eventually won't need the papers and pen. They are such good puppies and easy keepers! Pure joy!!!

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