Look at ME!!!
I've got a sweeeeet face!
So my foster mom said its time for ME to write a little something about myself so here goes...
Dear friends,
"My name is Keda. I'm a wee little lass and a low energy type who spends my time following around my foster mom and the other little doggies in the house. I greet new people who arrive at The Plantation with a waggy tail and maybe-- not always-- a little woof. I'm not shy but like to decide if things are safe so I do prefer new people wait a bit to pet me. I do give everyone who lets me jump on their lap lots of kisses. My foster mom sometimes tells me "Keda-- tuck your tongue now"-- and puts her finger on my nose to help me stop. Yeah, I DO get a little carried away w those kissies! I'm just a little lover!!
Now way back in my Alabama days I was a scared little girl. I was hungry and flea bitten and not everyone was nice to me. I do have the habit of ducking my head down when I think I may get hurt. It's my instinctive reflex I guess. I'm slowly getting brave and overcoming my fears of getting hurt and everyone here has been nice and kind and patient with me. I am so happy now!!! :)
My favoritest thing to do is curl up on a lap. Ohhhhh how I love laps! It's where I feel warm and safe and loved!
My second favoritest thing is food. Nothing like a piece of chicken or steak to make me do my Keda dance and pull out all my charms so I can get more nummies!!!
Today fstr mom and I tried another outside walk-- not sure why but walking away from my house gets me nervous and I freeze and can't move. So, my fstr mom carries me and once I know we're almost home she puts me down and I will walk the rest of the way. I don't mind walking inside stores or inside buildings-- we go pet store walking all the time but outside, nope… I just like to know I'm not walking away from home. My foster mom says it's okay and she is going to borrow a little doggy sling in which to carry me... she says I'm not heavy and I'm actually going to look super #adorbs in the sling!!!
I have to tell you one more thing about me-- it's that I am a day time dog. I'm so happy and friendly and lively during the day. I like it when it's light out--it makes me feel comfortable. I am not bad at night-- don't get the wrong idea-- I am just more relaxed and fun loving during the day!
So that's little ol' me! I really am not a handful. I just like a little extra TLC! I love to be loved and a quiet home keeps me from ducking my head and thinking about all those scary times back in Alabama. I'm so very, very thankful for all the nice kind people from Fluffy Dog Rescue because they came to help me like angels!!! Now I just need one more wish to come true--a lovely home to call my own!!! My foster mom says she will miss me soooo very much but she says she needs to help other scared dogs just like me. I hope my wish comes true soon!"
Thanks for reading...
Kisses from Keda
These Fluffy Dogs are the friendliest dogs ever-- I come in and sit down and have a group surround immediately ! My husband took this pic laughingly saying... "You don't even have your coat off, haha, and look at them!"
Not posed-- they all jump up as soon as I sit. Big babies-- all of them!