Thursday, May 28, 2015

A Bedtime Story

Once upon a time there was a very fuzzy bunny. Her name was Agape (which means Love in Greek). She was a nice, calm and brave bunny. She lived with lots of dogs. 

One of the dogs that lived with Agi bunny was a curious and very adorable little spitfire named Libby. She was just soooo curious about bunny. Do bunnys tug with toys? Do bunnys fetch? What do they smell like!?

So Libby went in search of meeting the bunny! She just had to know about bunnies! 

Anybunny home...she called? No answer!

I think I'll just snoop around a bit, thought Libby. Maybe Agi bunny will hop home soon.  

Hey!!! Look! I found Agi bunny!  I have questions!!! Can we talk? Do you play tug or fetch like me???

But Agi Bun just sat and wiggled her pink nose. The bunny didn't tug or fetch or even smell that good! Poor Libby!
But Libby still liked the bunny and even though they were very different from each other "maybe"... Just maybe... they could still be friends. The end!

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