Monday, June 20, 2016

Progress day 2

We LOVE Piper!!!

She is so sweet! I'm happy to report she is coming around! She ventures up to us for kisses and pets but still paces around a lot too. Piper likes to hide but not as much. So happy to see a little progress… Yippee! I always say "up" when I pick her up so she knows what's going to happen! She is beginning to know her name and comes when I call her or at least peaks around the corner, LOL!!! Piper slept in bed with us last night and did not move around or jump off… in the morning she went out and did her potty on the grass. She eats a little food but not the whole bowl. She does not know how to do stairs. She has learned to step off the patio so I guess she can actually do one stair! :)

In the house hiding behind daddy's chair. 

Parson (my dog) has his head buried in the bushes scouting out a varmint. His apprentice Piper is taking notes on "how it's done"! This is all new to her!

Piper sits right under my patio chair while I write this blog!!! We have cotton wood trees here and the fuzz on the green rug is from the trees... Piper is not shedding that bad! No worries there! 


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