Friday, January 16, 2015

It's Friday! :)

                Adorable Profile!
Keda has had a great morning learning to play with her friends Parson and Asti. She mostly connects with Asti who is her size. They play bow and hop around a bit.  I got on the floor to join in. Keda is getting the hang of it. She would jump on me and give me so many kisses with a wagging-like-crazy tail! Some dogs just need to "learn" how to play if they never really had the opportunity. So we are working on it! 

           Collage of their new "stuff"
Keda and I did our  usual walk around Petco. Needless to say the 75% off (or more) sales are tooooo tempting! Keda does not care for dog clothing all that much so she got a felt collar rose and Asti got a Star Wars shirt/dress... they  are both looking so adorable!!! 
Keda is walking very nicely at the store and meeting new people very politely. I'm happy with her progress. I'm also excited to see how well she is doing with her foster brother n sister dogs. They are becoming quite a sweet little pack! 
Keda will be getting a little check up at the vet as to why she has a little glitch to her walk. I'll explain more after her check up  but I'm hoping it's an easy fix! 

         My little snuggle buds!!!
Just came back home from a Friday supper out with JP and my sweet girl pups are already on my lap... I didn't even get my coat off! Ha!!! Feelin' the love! Little Keda adores laps!!! 

      The girls snuggling together!
This pic looks like a mass of fur but it's Asti laying her head on Keda on my lap! Big break through! Keda would never have allowed this a few weeks ago! Asti is a big time dog snuggler. She just can't stop herself from cuddling! Now Keda wants to be friends but through observation I've noticed that poor Keda wakes suddenly from what I will call an "episode" happening to her. We are going to check it out at the vet. When she wakes she is kinda angry and bites at imaginary flys. I believe she has a syndrome (fly snapping--which is part of a larger problem) but it's a guess. 
She just looks miserable that this is happening. Poor Keda! It took a while to figure it out but with a second pair of eyes confirming what I thought I saw on our walks (thank you, Doris, Fluffy Dog Animal Behaviorist) she is going to get this mystery problem checked out! So in my meager and unprofessional opinion, Keda is frustrated by this mystery illness and gets cranky at times from it. I sure hope things get better for this sweet baby girl. We all just love her!

Almost store closing time but we stayed true to our commitment and did our walk! Remarkable progress in Keda's attitude toward everything! Wow!!!

            Selfie but Keda got shy

My "big brown-eyed girl pup"... she is just lovely to take out and about. No barking at other dogs or people. No pulling. Just trots along (cant wait to have the vet check out her little gait-issue though!). She is really getting to be a wonderful walker--I'm amazed! 

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