Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Lava, sweet tooth satisfaction!

Hey everyone...since my Acey is already pending adoption I want you all to think about this other "adorable and adoptable" boy! 

His name is Baklava... but you can call him "Lava" or maybe "Sugar" because I hear he is so sweeeet! In fact he's named after a Christmas pastry... so the timing is perfect to "place your order" ...soooo much better than fruitcake!!! 
Here are his ingredients:
1. Soft n fluffy 
2. Friendly
3. Loves car rides
4. Enjoys a brisk walk
5. Looks cute in red coats or sweaters :)
6. Playful friend to another doggy!!!
7. House trained... Yippee!!!
8. Lovely boy to cuddle with on the couch and watch it snow!
9. Hoping to get squeakers and chewies in his Christmas Stocking!
10. Will even be happy to "lick the bowl" if you make real Baklava on Christmas Eve!

So unless you are on a diet -- impossible at this time of the year--consider taking home Baklava real soon! He's calorie free and sure to be a sweet treat all year long!! 

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