Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Doing GREAT!!!

Lila is fitting right in here! She is no trouble at all. Potty trained, playful and a total joy to be around. She has a happy personality and she makes me laugh! Her little feet move so fast as she zips around the yard sniffing and exploring!!! Lila is not hyper... She is just zippy. Lila is great about going into her crate when I leave for work and at bed time. No complaints!
The only time I see Lila get a little crabby is if you try and take away something she loves.... Like a cow hoof. She had one on my leather couch. I wanted it on the floor. So what to do??? I would recommend trading with her. You give her something better, like maybe a yummy treat, and then take the hoof while saying the word trade. It's a neat exercise to teach any dog to "give up" an object. They aren't losing something but gaining something even better!

How can u resist this sweet face???

My dog Parson 25 lbs and my foster Lila 5 lbs. Lila is a little bug!!!

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