Thursday, January 4, 2018

Red Nose 😒

Mr Cutie Pants has a nose owie. Bummer! It’s from rubbing his nose against the crate wires. I put him into a crate when I went to work today.. sorry Boom!!! I’m putting coconut oil on it and hope it heals quickly. So what to do? He doesn’t like when I leave and put him in his crate. He pushes it around and wants out. 

First of all it will take some practice of putting Boomer into a crate when a person is home and then letting him out a few minutes later. Teaching him that a crate isn’t bad and you will come back and let him out. Also putting lots toys and special treats into the crate might help. Keep on a radio? Try a soothing plug in that gives off pheromones? I did have toys and a hoof in Boomers crate but didn’t help enough to stop him from pushing his nose through. 

I think a hard sided crate might be best so he doesn’t have so many sides to stick his nose through too.  One post I read said a Thunder Shirt helps them be calm. 

Tomorrow I’m off work. I will film how he does when I leave the house without him being crated… I don’t know if it’s just the crate or if it’s just that I’m leaving. If it’s the crate then just gating him in a room with a tall dog gate might be an option. I don’t have a tall one and he can jump the one I have. 

Other than this Boomer is a great pup! He would be perfect to take to work or to a doggy daycare as well. More places should allow dogs at work! Don’t you agree?!? :)!!


Got out a different, smaller crate. Moved it to a different location. Put a dog bed inside. Put Boomer inside. He was fine! Lol! He was in the crate about a half hour and I stayed in sight! No issues. :)

So it’s not the crate... or he likes where I put it now. Seriously, I think he just wants to be with/near me! (Or with whomever is his mommy)  So ok... we will work on this! 

Irresistible ...

Just laughing at this... how cute is his head! ❤️🐼

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