Sunday, April 2, 2017


Little O is a wonderful walking bud! He is Mr Prancy Paws!!! He could use a little weight put on but most rescue dogs come in v skinny. His face is so cute and he is smart. He is a bit ball obsessed but it's ok. We are working on it! 

After walk photos:

Ollie standing

Ollie sitting
Playing with his favorite green squeaker toy and waking up everyone! Ollie loves his basket of toys!!! 💚

This is Olliver after he found 4 balls in a basket in the basement. He's in tennis ball heaven!!! Toooo cute!!! Later I snuck them into a drawer. I don't mind balls outside but not rolling around my house. So I've been switching him over to soft stuffed squeakers! He is complying!! We are both happy!!! 

Snuggly on the couch! ❤



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